24061624 Ultra EL Coolant Ingersoll Rand Replacement 5 Gal- Made in USA

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Regular price $249.80 USD
Regular price Sale $588.66 USD Sale price $249.80 USD

24061624 Ultra EL Coolant Ingersoll Rand Replacement 5 Gallons

24061624 Ultra EL Coolant Ingersoll Rand Replacement 5 Gal- Made in USA

The 24061624 Ultra EL Coolant Ingersoll Rand Replacement 5 Gal- Made in USA is a Premium Grade Synthetic replacement air compressor oil designed for Ingersoll Rand& air compressors. It offers full pour over compatibility with existing air compressor lubricant. This compatibility means that flushing of the existing compressor oil is not necessary to change to Our 24061624 Ultra EL Coolant Ingersoll Rand Replacement oil saving you time and money that can be used elsewhere.